الثلاثاء، 6 نوفمبر 2012

Waterproof and solar-powered iPhone case "AQUA TEK S"

Waterproof and solar-powered iPhone case "AQUA TEK S"

This new AQUA TEK S case for iPhone 4 and also 4S this not just offers ruggedized safety, but features a solar power, integrated battery, and it is water-proof up to twenty ft. Targeted at outdoorsy types who wish to keep connected while going this defeated track, the case includes a water-proof and also dust proof poly-carbonate ruggedized case this packages its integrated battery to increase the life of the the iPhone. The organization will be examining the top battery to suit the form factor and so the capability from the device has not however also been completed, however it can charge through the power of the sunlight through the solar power built in the trunk of the case.


smart kitchen of the future

smart kitchen of the future

What do you think, what is the kitchen of the future? We invite you to meet with Turkish concept smart kitchen of the future – a compact and intelligent.
Design company Altera Design Studio from Turkey presented its vision for the future of kitchen appliances, creating a concept project titled Alight Kitchen. A fundamentally important feature of the new concept is to use ready-made frozen foods in portions that are immediately before use will defrost and cook in the kitchen of the future. Such a rational approach to nutrition will not only allow for a long time to keep food fresh, but also know exactly what is lacking at the moment, so if necessary to replenish stocks.


Concept a coffee Memory

Concept a coffee Memory

Coffee – favorite drink for many! And there is the desire to drink good coffee always. Try that with a coffee maker Memory. Before us is a terrific concept coffee Memory, who knows your tastes and prepares the perfect coffee. It was developed by Chinese designer WenYao Cai for international competition for Electrolux Design Lab 2012. First, of course, you have to enter the settings, ie tell this wonderful device, what you love to drink coffee. And for further use only need to put your hand on the scanner device to identify the owners and cooked your favorite coffee. How you like this idea?


Button MP3 Player Concept

Button MP3 Player Concept

That button-shaped very good music player makes use of your body heat to charge by itself. At nighttime when you’re sleeping, you may place Button MP3 player on the pillow alongside you in order that it may continue soak up the body heat to charge the battery. You may connect this gadget for your garments like a button to acquire the body heat, these 4 function buttons have to be created to mimic the stitches holes in the garment button, it looks very amazing.




The industry of video gaming transformed into business stronghold. There is so much money in the industry that not even a recession can cripple it. Almost $70 billion was made last year and you have don’t have to look too far to see how the economy has affected everyone today. It was once considered a hobby but video gaming is now considered a fully fledged career for some.

While some countries and communities are at war with each other, no one has managed to stop the video game technology industry thriving. One of the first video games ever produced was a tactical-war game released in the early 1950s. It was called OXO. In the beginning most video games were created by university students that used their extra time to create poorly made video game products. Then came the arcade which required people putting in coins into a machine and then you’d have a time trailed session of playing a game. Games really started to become commercial in the late 1970s. Then in 1976, we started seeing cartridge enabled machines. The advantage of this was that instead of relying on the systems for the games you could just go out and buy a plethora of games and in essence create your own library of games. Trying to thrive for the best technology while having entertaining games that are creating a lot of revenue is quite a task.

What does the future hold for video game technology?

Well in 2012, we still have the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii.  These systems boast the best in video game visuals and technology. But what does the future really hold? It is not impossible to think we may be seeing an influx of holographic games in future. We have already seen the Kinect in 2010 which is a motion-sensor gaming console which brings gamers ever closer to 100% realism.