الاثنين، 17 ديسمبر 2012

The Modern Organization Functioning in a Global Environment

Chapter 1
The Modern Organization Functioning in a Global Environment

n  Business Process: a collection of related activities that produce a product or a service of value to the organization, its business partners, and/or its customers.
n  One functional area
n  Cross-functional

A management technique that includes methods and tools to support the design, analysis, implementation, management, and optimization of business processes.
ü  Customer satisfaction
ü  Cost reduction
ü  Quality
ü  Differentiation

1.2  Information Systems (IS):
            Concepts and Definitions
IS process data into information
Get the right information to the right people at the right time in the right amount and in the right format

v  Data: elementary description of things, events, activities and transactions that are recorded, classified and stored but are not organized to convey any specific meaning.
Examples: 3.5                                     high

v  Information: data that is organized and structured within a context, and provides meaning
Example: Sultan got 3.5 GPA
The temperature is very high today

Knowledge: information organized and processed to convey understanding, experience, accumulated learning and expertise as they apply to a current problem or activity.
v  Know-what
v  Know-how

Information Technology Architecture: A high level map or plan of the information assets in an organization, which guides current operations and is a blueprint for future directions

Information Technology Infrastructure: The physical facilities, IT components, IT services and IT personnel that support an entire organization.

Internet (Net) :
n  Large network that connects smaller networks globally
n  Launched in 1969
n  National computer network
n  US funded project called
n  ARPANET  [Advanced Research Project Agency Network]
Being connected to the Internet is often described as being online
World Wide Web the Web , WWW:
n  A multimedia Interface to resources available on the Internet
n  Introduced in 1992 at CERN  [Centre for European Nuclear Research] in Switzerland

n  Enables us to connect, compute, communicate, collaborate, and compete everywhere and anytime
n  Operates without regard to geography, time, distance, and language

Business Pressures
n  Market Pressures
n  Technology Pressures
n  Societal Pressures

The Global Economy and Strong Competition
n  Regional agreements
n  NAFTA European Union
n  Cost of labor
n  Outsourcing / offshoring

The Changing Nature of the Workforce
n  More diversified
n  Increasing number of women
n  Persons with disabilities
n  Teleworking

Powerful Customers
n  More knowledgeable customer
n  Higher expectations
n  Compare prices

Compare 120+ leading car insurance providers in the UK
n  Online shopping / e-auction
n  Customer Intimacy / CRM

n  Social Responsibility
n  Green IT
n  Digital Divide : the gap between those who have access to ICT and those who do not
n  Government Regulation and Deregulation
n  Compliance with new laws and policies

Organizational Responses
n  Strategic Systems
n  increase market share and/or profits
n  better negotiate with suppliers
n  prevent competitors from entering their markets.
n  Customer Focus
n  Retaining current customers and attracting new ones

Organizational Responses

n  Make-to-Order and mass customization
n  producing customized products and services
n  Reebok
n  Dell
n  E-business and E-commerce
n  Buying and selling products and services electronically.
n  E-business is a broader concept than e-commerce.
n  B2C , C2C, B2B

1.5  Why Are Information Systems             Important to You?
n  Information systems are used by all functional areas in an organization
Finance and Accounting:
n  Forecast revenue and business activity
n  Determine the best sources and use of funds
n  Perform audits
Sales and Marketing
n  Product analysis: developing new goods and services
n  Site analysis : determine the best location for production and distribution facilities
n  Promotion analysis: identify the best advertising channels
n  Price analysis: setting product prices to get the highest revenues
n  Process customer orders
n  Develop production schedules
n  Control inventory levels
n  Monitor product quality
Human Resources
n  Recruiting process
n  Analyze and screen job applicants
n  Manage employees careers
n  Manage compensation and benefit package

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